
What is Botulinum A toxin and how does it work?

What exactly is Botulinum A toxin and how does it work? – Botox, or Botulinum toxin, is a completely purified, natural protein which is designed to help relax the muscles within the face. By relaxing the muscles, the skin can heal, this is how lines and wrinkles can be reduced. It can also be used to prevent lines and wrinkles within the face too. Though primarily it is designed to reduce wrinkles and lines in the face, it can also be prescribed to help treat other conditions as well, including; migranes, & excessive sweating. Botox is injected into the muscles, around the area in which the lines and wrinkles are at their most concentrated. The needles used for Botox injections are very small, so pain is usually minimal, it does not require much downtime or recovery time at all. Primarily it is injected into the forehead, frown and eyes, making it great for people who suffer from ‘crow’s feet’

Botox is an amazing product that helps to restore and refresh your natural beauty. It works by targeting your muscles of expression, relaxing them, and diminishing the appearance of unwanted lines and furrows, produced by age, stress, and worry. The skin can begin to heal once the muscles have relaxed, resulting in the lines fading / disappearing, leaving a more rested and refreshed appearance.

Treatment areas

Botox can be applied to a number of different areas

Brow Lift: Get those arched eyebrows you’ve always wanted or simply remove that sleepy look with a simple Botox® procedure.

Crow’s Feet: Crow’s feet are wrinkles that develop around the corners of the eye and can give your eyes an older and more tired look. Our treatment of Botox® around the eye can remove these and can even be combined with a brow-lift to give you the ultimate smooth, fresh and bright look.

Forehead Lines: These horizontal lines across the forehead can make you look older and more “stressed”. They can be reduced or removed to give you that fresh, youthful look.

Frown Lines: Frown lines are the vertical wrinkles seen between your eyebrows and the surrounding area. They can give you the permanent look of appearing older, tired and worried. The can smoothened out with our Botox treatment to give you a clean & “stress-free” image.


Facial expressions are how we communicate with the world, how we reflect our feelings and emotions. As we age, visible lines and wrinkles naturally form. Botulinum Toxin injections temporarily block signals to the facial muscles to correct wrinkles, smooth appearance and even prevent the formation of new wrinkles. Botox injections are not intended to eliminate facial expression; rather they prevent facial grimaces and frowns that have become unintended habits

Botox Cosmetic Applications

  • To relax and soften vertical and horizontal forehead lines, crow’s feet and frown lines that make you look angry, anxious, fearful or fatigued.

  • For a temporal brow lift by lifting the outer one-third of the brows to elevate the eyebrows and open the eyes for a rested appearance

  • To diminish bunny lines, those lines beside your nose that appear when you crinkle your nose

  • To improve facial symmetry

Not sure what treatment to select? Drop me a message to discuss your skin type and the best treatment plan for your needs.